‘But I don’t want to grow up!’ I bet you have heard that before, and if you haven’t heard it chances are you’ve thought it, or even said it. Growing up nowadays is far different than it was when my mom was growing up.Things like “eco friendly”, “low fat” and “make you skinny” products were unheard of when my mother was growing up. Life was all about sanity, not vanity.I can tell you, I have been in the industry for over 20 years and when I started, natural products didn’t do jack AND THE clinical products were harsh and scary and often very damaging which was either evident pretty quickly or noticed later.With science and technology consistently evolving, so has our beauty regiment and our desire to look good and feel good. For most of us a non fat, no milk, no sugar latte is the way to go. Back in the day, it was coffee with cream, coffee with sugar or coffee with both and that was your only option.Much like old school skin care regiments, it was soap and water with some petroleum jelly and baby powder. Boy oh boy how things have changed.Today, the options are plentiful and access to expertise more accessible.Now, eating right for your body type and caring for your skin are essentials and there is no shame in that. We have come to understand the skin and how it works and we can formulate regiments that work so much better, which even allow us to add the sugar and the fat to our morning latte without dreading every single affect it has.We could all use a little help in the “growing up” process and of course the skin care regiments.Stay tuned later this month as we share some great tips mother’s and daughters of all ages can use to help survive your own aging process and a little preventive care along the way to keep you looking your best.