When Audrey Hepburn was asked to reveal her beauty secret, she divulged that she got lots of sleep! The significance of sleep in nutrition and skin aging is not to be underestimated. Sleep effects the efficacy with which our bodies receives the nutrients we feed it (topically and internally), as well as how our over-all body rejuvenates, repairs, and restores itself. We are meant to be in sync with the earth and its circadian rhythm. Like my daughter says, “We have to go to sleep soon because the sun went down.”We have all encountered a sleepless night or two and have seen the unsightly results.You can see the damage: puffy eyes, dark circles, drooping eyelid & dull looking skin. There is also much more going on below the surface that is not apparent to the eye. The damage is accumulative! A sleepless night, or two, here or there, is not as bad as the chronic sleep deprivation, or insomnia.There are three major hormones that are affected when we don’t get adequate sleep. These are cortisol (which gets a lot of press), growth hormone, and melatonin, and they all have a direct effect on how our skin ages.Cortisol is our stress response hormone. When we are not sleeping well, we are like a battery that does not have a chance to recharge. Our body identifies this as a stressful situation and starts producing cortisol. Like a jolt of caffeine, the spike in cortisol keeps us moving, but at a cost. Elevated cortisol levels break down collagen, resulting in less skin elasticity (read equals sagging skin).Growth hormone is responsible for building muscle, bone, and tissues- including skin. It is one of our antiaging hormones and replenishes as we sleep, rehydrating the skin and allowing for cellular repair.Last but not least is melatonin. This is the sleep hormone, and it plays a role in the immune system. It is a significant contributor to the functional and physical integrity of our skin.Without quality sleep, growth hormone and melatonin are not produced in sufficient quantities, while cortisol is overproduced. the result is overall poor skin condition, including dryness, dullness, fine lines, and wrinkles.If these aren’t reasons enough to try to achieve a good sleep routine, I don’t know what is! True, health or wellness is a lifestyle with several key components all playing a role. Proper diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep, all play a role in well-being and healthy skin. If you suffer from insomnia, you may want to consider a natural approach like getting assistance through a chiropractor, nutritionist, or acupuncturist.Here are some tips to help you create a bedtime routine for a better night of Z’s and a more vibrant, beautiful face, and being the next day.Tips to a better nights sleep1. Keep a sleep schedule and stay as close to it as possible everyday going to bed and rising at the same time. If you need more rest, go to bed early, rather than getting off track on your morning schedule which can make it harder to get up the following day.2. Soothe yourself into your slumber. About an hour before bed, turn off the tv/computers. Light candles, play soft music, take a bath (my favorite nightly routine!) Meditating is another lovely way to relax the body and mind into a good nights sleep. You may even want to get in bed early if that works for you.3. Lights out! Keep your room dark and cool. Use black out curtains or shades.4. Not sleeping within 20 min? If you cant fall asleep easily, you may need to read to soothe you to sleep. Or if you have a busy mind, or are finding yourself on “spin cycle” I always suggest keeping a journal by your bed so you can get it out of your head to relax!5. Last call. You should give yourself a last call with plenty of time between drinking alcohol and bedtime as it can act as a stimulant, resulting in poor and interrupted sleep.6. Working out can help get a better nights sleep, unless you work out late at night, some find that to be energizing rather than relaxing.
“Refer and Win Contest” January 2013
It pays to talk! Refer the most clients to me now through Feb 4th and reap the benefits! In addition to my typical Referral Program (a $20 credit per local client referred), he/she who sends in the most clients will also win the amazing New Eye Serum by AQ Skin Solutions, $100 value! *The referrals can also be for a skin consult with product purchase, not just a treatment. I do consults in person, phone, or via skype, and ship products all over! Winner will be announced in the next newsletter on February 5th.AQ’s Eye Serum is the 2012 Best Anti-aging Eye Cream in the Truth In Aging Best of 2012 Awards!Effectively diminishes “crow’s feet” wrinkles and fine linesGently lightens dark circles under eyesFirms and lifts sagging skin fastMoisturizes and conditions to leave delicate eye area skin soft and silkWhat are growth factors and why do we want them in a product?I know many of you hear about growth factors but may not quite understand the function or value.Let me take a moment to break it down.We naturally have fibroblast cells in our skin, which are responsible for stimulating new cell and collagen production. As we, “grow up”, the number of fibrobalst descrease, so we are not producing new cells or collagen, hence the sagging skin issues. Fibroblast cells, like all cells, are also prone to decrease with environemtnal damage- pollution (especially us city dwellers!), sun, stress, poor nutrition, etc. With quality growth factors we are able to nourish & directly heal the epidermis. The infusion of firbroblast growht factors dimishes wrinkles and aid in rejuvenation of the skin making it more youthful and luminous. Bascially, stimulating your skin to continue to produce healthy cells as if it were younger skin. That is, in a nutshell, why growth factors are so important in reparing/rejuventing the skin. Hope that was helpful!Not all growth factors are created equal!I can say that I have tried several other growth factor products and have now come to understand why these products are so much more effective! I chose AQ Skin Solutions Growth Factor skin products because they are different from other brands. They have the highest quality growth factors available! They use premium sources for their growth factor ingredients, scientifically advanced methods of production and filtration ensure highly stable, pure, concentrated products. I just don't know another brand that does. Yes, growth factors in general are higher price point products, and for good reason. If you find a cheap one, I can assure you, you are not getting this quality.The AQ Eye Serum promotes smoother, younger-looking skin. It stimulates the skin’s natural process of repair and rejuvenation by providing the biological elements that are present in young, healthy skin. The concentrated GF-technology blend stimulates collagen production for increased firmness, while several smoothing peptides help tighten and lift sagging skin. Through activation of the skin’s own damage repair processes, fine lines and wrinkles are smoothed. It increases micro-circulation and lightens the under-eye area, clearing up “bags” and dark circles. The moisturizing formula supports the health of skin to maintain results and will not irritate even the most sensitive eyes. This pure, non-greasy serum has a clean smell and will not clog pores.
New Years Ritual
As the year comes to a close, this is a great time to reflect on all the wonderful gifts and lessons you received in 2012. What are you taking with you, and creating for yourself in the New Year? What is it you would like to leave behind or release with the closing of 2012? Here is a ritual I would like to share with in releasing the old and calling in the new! I have also some food for thought on New Years Resolutions that will benefit all of us.New Years RitualWrite down all that you are leaving behind, whether it is a behavior pattern, habit, or old “story” that no longer serves you and burn the paper. If you can, get in a warm bath or shower, and imagine the water washing away everything you are releasing. There may or may not be tears with this, but if emotions are coming up, let them flow and move through you. Now write down everything that it is you would like to call in for the New Year & dream big, knowing that you are suppose to be HAPPY and life is suppose to feel GOOD!New Years ResolutionsIf there is one new years resolution you choose, let it be to choose your words wisely because Communication Is Creation. You may want to start listening to how you speak and adjusting your words to meet your goals. If you didn’t like something that happened to you, don’t keep telling your friends that story. Tell the story you want to create for yourself moving forward! Create with LOVE!Happy New Year! xoxo
Releasing and Manifesting Ritual for the SUPER moon on 12-13-12
What are you wanting to bring into your life? Today is the day to take some time to get very clear about what it is that no longer serves you, and what it is that you would like to call into your life. That which we think about, we bring about.A blurb from mysticmamma.com about this amazing moon/time.“The Sagittarius New Moon is a Super Moon. The Moon is closest to the earth (perigee) and in direct alignment with the Sun and Earth (syzygy). The Sag Super Moon is an extra powerful New Moon increasing the electromagnetic and gravitational pulls on the Earth, the oceans and people.”“We are getting an upgrade into higher consciousness…The more we let go and release the past. We create the space for the Light to fill us up and empower us. We are to become who we truly are, the empowered ones.”Here is a ritual to aid you in your intentions:Write down everything that you are ready to release. Hold the paper up in the air and say a little prayer to whomever it is that you speaks to- the divine, god, higher powers- it’s all one. Ask for assistance in releasing these things that no longer serve you. Be thankful for the lessons and gifts that these experiences brought about, then release and burn the paper. Next write down everything it is that you are wanting to call info your life. Hold it close to your heart & envision this as if it has already happened. Again, say a little prayer /blessing to assist you. Store the paper in a safe/sacred place. Re-visit it every couple of weeks. If you are in line with what you really want, you will be surprised how fast these things are coming in!Happy Manifesting!!
Simple Ways to Stay Calm & Connected This Season
Make a conscious effort to take care of yourself in these simple ways. Remember, when we take care of ourselves, we are better able to take care of others, as we will have more to give!Remember to breathe. I know it sounds simple but often, when are are stressed, we hold our breath, which locks in the stress and tension!! Our breathe is the best tool we have to instantly calm & connect. The great thing about this tool is that your breath is always with you, and it is free- you just need to remember to use it. ? Your breath should be a continuous, circular flow, like the ocean. As soon as you finish your exhale, start your inhale. Make it a point to use this simple & divine way to instantly calm and connect!Take a bath! I am a huge proponent of taking daily baths with epsom salts. The epsom salts help draw out impurities-toxins from pollution, stress, food & alcohol, and more. Toxins only have a few ways to be released from the body, and they will come out the skin, if not given the opportunity to be flushed out properly! In addition, it is incredibly grounding, and relaxing- a wonderful way to finish the day and soothe yourself into your slumber…. ahhh… its like a big exhale! You are worth it.
My Favorite Nail Polish… It’s pretty amazing *new video*
So being a natural girl, it’s no wonder my favorite nail polish is ZOYA! Zoya’s product has a lot of integrity, it is Formaldehyde, Toluene, Camphor and Dibutyl Phthalate Free! How wonderful is that! They make over 300 shades of polish and they truly stand by their product!Follow them on twitter! They always have the most amazing promos! @Zoya_NailPolish, and here is their website http://www.zoya.com.It’s kind to your body and to the Earth!Don’t forget to subscribe and check out my other videos! I also take requests!Tweet to me @lisaeddy
Update on an old favorite video, The Best Kept Beauty Secret + Clarisonic
Hey everyone!Hope your week is coming along! I’ve got a *NEW* video up, it’s a follow up to an old video called “Best Kept Beauty Secret” here I share a few updates on my thoughts about how to get truly clean skin, start a good habit of washing your face, and also my feedback on the Clarisonic.Tweet to me at @LisaEddy or subscribe to my updates on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1126464472Check It Out!Be Well,Lisa Eddy
Holiday Clearance, Cheer & Good News for the New Year!
Clearance:Still clearing out some goods for the holiday season. Need a gift or ready to treat yourself to a little something something? Always FREE shipping. shop sale now*If you are in the neighborhood & need a quick gift, there are more items not listed on the site including perfect stocking stuffers.Good News for the New Year:Updates on new competitive pricing/savings for the new year as well as resolution on previously out of stock or back order issues.I have been making adjustments to my inventory as the needs change. Also coming January, I will be introducing more competitive pricing to keep you & your pocket book happy shopping with Evolution Wellness…. more to come on this. Also, I have been informed by the distributor of the SamPar products that the issues with the back orders or out of stocks on inventory items will be resolved for the new year. Thank goodness!Thank you all for your patience & your business. It is my pleasure to keep you looking young in such an effortless sort of way. Wishing you lots of cheer & warmth & good times with your loved ones!Your Beauty & Wellness Advisor,Lisa Eddy ?
Block Party, Clearance & Makeup Event
Holiday Party with Makeup Application & Clearance & more-oh my!Its is the Hayes Valley 19th Annual Block Party this Friday December 4th from 6-9.
Hayes Valley Wellness:Come by Hayes Valley Wellness for some holiday cider or healthy shakes and have some fun! Been trying to get your mom, husband or friend in to see Dr. Colman? This just might be the perfect way. Dr. Colman will be doing complimentary nutritional screenings & handing out gifts to recipients! www.hayesvalleywellness.comPlus: Jennifer Warner, Massage Therapist & Esthetician of Sustainably You will be doing complimentary hand & arm massage to give you a taste of her magic. Plus special holiday offer! Check her out on yelp
Fast & Healthy Breakfast
I know we are all in a hurry ALL the time. It is true that it definitely takes more time to eat healthy. One of my favorite sayings around food and health is that convenience is the enemy!Although, we do need to find ways to make it easy to eat well.Here is a little tip I learned to have my “real” oatmeal ready fast. When I say “real” oatmeal, I am referring to the Irish Steel Cut Oats. The oatmeal that you can prepare instantly or in 1 min or 5 minutes DOES NOT provide the nutritional value our bodies need. Again, that is because convenience really is the enemy. This style has been processed to make it “fast & easy” and what has happened as a result is no nutritional value to speak of. The Steel Cut Oats style typically takes about a 1/2 hour to make & requires constant stirring. I don’t know about you but I can’t really fit that in that early!Here are a couple of ways that you can make this work for you.I like to cook it in my rice cooker. There is no stirring required (thank you v. much!) and it is ready in the time it takes to make rice. If you do this right when you get up, you should be able to enjoy your breakfast without any extra time to make it.The other option is cooking it in a crock pot overnight. I have not tried this. One of my clients recommended this to me. This is what gave me the bright idea to use the rice cooker. ? Thank you Carolyn!My favorite oatmeal includes-steamed raw milk (I use my latte machine), toasted pecans or walnuts, cinnamon, fresh fruit or raisins if not available…. OH & don’t forget the butter! If I am feeling like a need a little something sweet, I will add raw/organic honey on occasion.Hope you find this helpful. Enjoy!
Mid Summer Contest for evolutionwellnesscenter.com
Mid Summer ContestRuns from August 1st – August 31st.3 prizes & oh so many ways to win!1 Get connected for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate for evolutionwellnesscenter.comBecome a follower on one of my social media sites or a registered user on my website. Each one you subscribe to counts as an additional entry with a total of 6 possible entries per person for prize #1. Do it all & increase your odds!Subscribe to my youtube channelhttp://www.youtube.com/user/lisaeddyskinguruSubscribe to my newsletter- scroll down it’s on the left below sale itemshttps://www.evolutionwellnesscenter.com/home.phpFacebook become a friend on Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/friends/?filter=afp&ref=tn#/ewellnesscenter?__a=1Twitterhttp://twitter.com/lisaeddyBloghttp://lisaeddy.blogspot.com/Register @ Evolution Wellness Center.comhttps://www.evolutionwellnesscenter.com/register.php2. Share the love for a chance to win a $75 gift certificate to evolutionwellnesscenter.comWrite an intriguing review on your favorite product from evolution wellness center on my Blog and /or on my website directly on the product page.Must include why you love the product and what you have noticed as a result of using it.Writing “I love this product” wont cut it! Make it juicy.Each place you review a product counts as an entry. In other words, you can review the same product in both places and that counts as two entries. Do this on as many products as you like for more chances to win!Bloghttp://lisaeddy.blogspot.comMust include product link back to evolutionwellnesscenter.com on the product you are reviewing.EWC site:https://www.evolutionwellnesscenter.com/home.phpChoose your favorite product, scroll down just below you will see product rating / customer reviews/ and add your review here.3. Go big for a chance to win a $150 gift certificate to evolutionwellnesscenter.comCreate a video response to my you tube video “Mid Summer Contest for prizes from evolutionwellnesscenter.com” to share your favorite skin care tip.Make it a good one this is a biggy!Follow this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N64x-ZKCDXI&feature=channel_page to watch the contest how to video.Scroll down under video and you will see “Video Responses” click it.Then click “Post a Video Response”Two musts for the grand prize entry:1. Must subscribe to my channel of course which will also put you in the running for prize numero uno.2. You must include “Mid Summer Contest at www.evolutionwellnesscenter.com” in the title of your video as well as in tags & the category must be in “how to & style”.***August 31st 11:59 pm pacific standard time is the cut off for entry.I will be announcing the winner on September 7th. All winners will be posted on my blogspot.If you are the winner, you will be notified in the same way in which you made your entry.I am so excited to hear & see what you all have to say & to connect with you all!Good luck!
Skin Care Videos!
Click here for some Great Skin Care Tips!Let me know if there are any specific questions I may answer for you or a video you think I should put out. Enjoy!