Soul + Skin Care

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Simple Ways to a Better Digestion

  1. Plan ahead. Supplement with enzymes when you know you have a hard time digesting a particular food, are traveling, or over-indulging.  By taking enzymes with your meal to help break down the food to avoid the bloat and possible repercussions of the waste coming out the skin, and perhaps the most important bonus is better nutrient absorption!
  2. This is one of the most important tips I share that isn’t common knowledge and helps immensely with digestion.  Avoid drinking water with your meals!  It washes away your digestive enzymes!  This cannot be over stated.  Drink water 30 minutes prior to meals and 30 minutes after.  Are you ready for this?  The only thing that you should drink with your meal is wine because your body receives it like a food! Now you can feel good about drinking wine. :)
  3. Avoid emotional eating by being present with whatever is up for you.  Perhaps you need to take a moment and step away from family if you are feeling emotions coming up.  Go outside or to the bathroom and just let yourself breathe and acknowledge what you are feeling so you can move it through you.